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Похожие книги на Хроники Нарнии. Последняя битва = The Chronicles of Narnia. The Last Battle

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Хроники Нарнии. Племянник чародея = The Chronicles of Narnia. The Magician’s Nephew
Хроники Нарнии. Племянник чародея = The Chronicles of Narnia. The Magician’s Nephew

В этом издании читателям предлагаются неадаптированный оригинальный текст и классический перевод знаменитой повести из волшебной эпопеи "Хроники Нарнии". Полли и Дигори предстоит пережить невероятные приключения, совершить путешествие между волшебными мирами и оказаться в удивительной Нарнии. Теперь прочитать об этом можно на двух языках. Чтение текста в оригинале позволит значительно усовершенст...

Хроники Нарнии. Конь и его мальчик = The Chronicles of Narnia. The Horse and His Boy
Хроники Нарнии. Конь и его мальчик = The Chronicles of Narnia. The Horse and His Boy

В этом издании читателям предлагаются неадаптированный оригинальный текст и классический перевод удивительной повести из волшебной эпопеи "Хроники Нарнии". Какой была Нарния в эпоху правления Питера, Сьюзен, Люси и Эдмунда? И какие приключения происходили с ними и с другими чудесными героями? Чтение текста в оригинале позволит значительно усовершенствовать знание английского, а перевод на русский...


Darkness falls... Despair abounds... Evil reigns... Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have just saved the rebel state from destruction by the mighty forces of King Galbatorix, cruel ruler of the Empire. Now Eragon must travel to Ellesmera, land of the elves, for further training in the skills of the Dragon Rider: magic and swordsmanship. Soon he is on the journey of a lifetime, his eyes open to aw...

Мифы Ктулху
Мифы Ктулху

Мифология Ктулху и других темных божеств, рассредоточенная по американским землям. Селефаис, Ультар, Сарнат, Кадат, Аркхем… Покинутые города и те, что существуют на границе сна и воображения. Чистые, с высокими белыми башнями и умопомрачительными арками. Заросшие плесенью и терном, пропитанные затхлым запахом гниющей рыбы. Однако чудовища могут таиться как в развалинах и закоулках, так и в сверкаю...

Captive Prince
Captive Prince

Damen is a warrior hero to his people, and the rightful heir to the throne of Akielos, but when his half brother seizes power, Damen is captured, stripped of his identity, and sent to serve the prince of an enemy nation as a pleasure slave. Beautiful, manipulative and deadly, his new master Prince Laurent epitomizes the worst of the court at Vere. But in the lethal political web of the Veretian co...

The White Road
The White Road

Dissolute nobles, master spies, and the unlikeliest of heroes, Alec and Seregil have survived exile, treachery, and black magic. But the road that lies ahead is the most hazardous they’ve ever traveled. For with enemies on all sides, they must walk a narrow path between good and evil where one misstep might be their last. Having escaped death and slavery in Plenimar, Alec and Seregil want not...

Captive Prince: Volume Two
Captive Prince: Volume Two

The second volume in the Captive Prince trilogy. With their countries on the brink of war, Damen and his new master Prince Laurent must exchange the intrigues of the palace for the sweeping might of the battlefield as they travel to the border to avert a lethal plot. Forced to hide his identity, Damen finds himself increasingly drawn to the dangerous, charismatic Laurent. But as the fledg...

Kings Rising
Kings Rising

The worldwide phenomenon continues—from the boldly original author of Captive Prince and Prince’s Gambit. Damianos of Akielos has returned. His identity now revealed, Damen must face his master Prince Laurent as Damianos of Akielos, the man Laurent has sworn to kill. On the brink of a momentous battle, the future of both their countries hangs in the balance. In the south, Kastor's force...

Casket of Souls
Casket of Souls

More than the dissolute noblemen they appear to be, Alec and Seregil are skillful spies, dedicated to serving queen and country. But when they stumble across evidence of a plot pitting Queen Phoria against Princess Klia, the two Nightrunners will find their loyalties torn as never before. Even at the best of times, the royal court at Rhíminee is a serpents’ nest of intrigue, but with the war again...

Shards of Time
Shards of Time

Acclaimed author Lynn Flewelling brings her beloved Nightrunners series to a close—at least for now—with a thrilling novel of murder, mystery, and magic. The governor of the sacred island of Korous and his mistress have been killed inside a locked and guarded room. The sole witnesses to the crime—guards who broke down the doors, hearing the screams from within—have gone mad with terror, babbli...

The Midnight Lie
The Midnight Lie

Where Nirrim lives, crime abounds, a harsh tribunal rules, and society’s pleasures are reserved for the High Kith. Life in the Ward is grim and punishing. People of her low status are forbidden from sampling sweets or wearing colors. You either follow the rules, or pay a tithe and suffer the consequences. Nirrim keeps her head down and a dangerous secret close to her chest. But then she enco...


Neef is a changeling, a human baby stolen by fairies and replaced with one of their own. She lives in "New York Between," a Manhattan alongside our own, home to creatures of folklore. Protected by her fairy godmother until she breaks a Fairy Law, now she must face the challenge of the Green Lady of Central Park or be sacrificed! Neef is determined, but time is running out.

Omen Machine
Omen Machine

First they had to win the war. Now they have to win the peace. Hidden deep underground for millennia, discovered only by chance, the mysterious machine has awakened, to begin issuing a series of ominous and alarmingly accurate omens. As the wizard Zeddicus attempts to destroy the sinister device, it issues a cataclysmic omen involving Richard and Kahlan, foretelling an impending event beyond an...


Magic is fading from the Wild Wood. To renew it, goblins must perform an ancient ritual involving the rarest of their kind—a newborn changeling. But when the fateful night arrives to trade a human baby for a goblin one, something goes terribly wrong. After laying the changeling in a human infant’s crib, the goblin Kull is briefly distracted from his task. By the time he turns back, the changeling ...


Evie doesn’t have a choice. One day she’s an ordinary seventeen year old, grieving for her mother. The next, she’s a Shield, the result of a decades-old experiment gone wrong, bound by DNA to defend her best friend from an unknown killer. The threat could come at home, at school, anywhere. All Evie knows is that it will be a fight to the death. And then there’s Jamie. irresistible. off-li...

Het Oog van de Wereld
Het Oog van de Wereld

Het Oog van de Wereld is het eerste deel van de klassieke fantasy-cyclus Het Rad des Tijds van Robert Jordan. Een epos van maar liefst 14 delen waarmee Jordan miljoenen lezers over de hele wereld heeft weten te bereiken. In het ooit zo vredige Emondsveld breken roerige tijden aan. Grote gebeurtenissen in de buitenwereld, eerder slechts verre geruchten, werpen hun donkere schaduw over het dorpj...


Erst stiehlt sie sein Herz, dann seine Welt... Der 17-jährige Jay ist in der Stadt seiner Träume angelangt – ein Jahr wird er als Austauschschüler in New York, der Heimat seines verstorbenen Vaters, verbringen. Gleich zu Beginn verliebt er sich in die geheimnisvolle Madison mit den Indianeraugen. Doch was er keinem zu erzählen wagt: Hin und wieder taucht ein anderes Mädchen auf, das außer ihm n...

Scourge of the Betrayer (Bloodsounder's Arc)
Scourge of the Betrayer (Bloodsounder's Arc)

Many tales are told of the Syldoon Empire and its fearsome soldiers, who are known throughout the world for their treachery and atrocities. Some say that the Syldoon eat virgins and babies-or perhaps their own mothers. Arkamondos, a bookish young scribe, suspects that the Syldoon's dire reputation may have grown in the retelling, but he's about to find out for himself. Hired to chron...

Dalamar the Dark
Dalamar the Dark

This is the story of Dalamar Argent, a Silvanesti elf from House Servitor. As the War of the Lance is raging around the ancient elven homeland, the elves realize that they cannot escape from it. Can they stop the Dragonarmies by any means or must they choose exile? The book explores the unfortunate circumstances which lead Dalamar down his dark path, into his exile and finally to his Test in the T...


Уенди Евърли е изправена пред невъзможен избор. Единственият начин да спаси Трил от техните най-заклети врагове е да пожертва себе си. Ако не се предаде на Витра, нейният народ ще бъде въвлечен в жестока война с непобедим противник. Но ще намери ли тя сили да се раздели с всичките си приятели… дори ако това е единственият начин да ги спаси? Залогът никога не е бил толкова висок, защото кралството ...

Небесносини грехове
Небесносини грехове

Книгата продължава приключенията на Анита Блейк. В този роман, Анита продължава с опитите да въведе някакъв ред в личния си живот, като едновременно с това се сблъскват с играта на власт от вампир господар на Жан-Клод, Бел Морт и опит за решаване на поредица от брутални убийства от неидентифициран превръщач. Както и при други по-късни романи от поредицата, "Небесносини грехове" съчетава елементи н...


Когато Уенди Евърли е на шест години, собствената й майка е убедена, че тя е чудовище и се опитва да я убие. Единайсет години по-късно Уенди открива, че майка й може би е била права. Тя не е онази, за която винаги се е мислела и доказателство за това са необикновените способности, които притежава. Цялата мистерия около живота й започва да се разбулва с появата на едно странно момче с тъмен чар на ...


It was a small room, with an uneven floor, exposed, hand-hewn ceiling beams, a rough fieldstone fireplace. There was furniture: a narrow bunk, a table, a bookcase, straight-backed chairs, all meticulously dusted. A pot of sickly snow-flowers stood in the center of the table. A thick quartz window in a vacuum-tight alloy frame was set in the south wall—a salvaged DV port from a deep-space liner. Th...

Стъклени къщи
Стъклени къщи

Добре дошли в Морганвил. Но не оставайте навън след спускането на нощта... Морганвил е малък град, пълен със странни обитатели. И когато слънцето залезе, мрачни създания излизат навън. В Морганвил се спотайва зло, криещо се в най-тъмните сенки. Зло, което се оттегля с настъпването на деня... За Клеър Денвърс училището е било ад, но колежът може да й струва живота. Тя си спечелва омразата на Моника...