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Автор Anonymous



Midnight intimacies

I pass over the usual love expressions of my boyhood and adolescence merely saying I had, from a very; early age learned all about the various joyous thrills my young body, could render me. At the age of twelve I had practiced every form of sexual desire that my vigorous imagination could conceive. I had “had” several beautiful boys of my own age with whom I indulged in all sorts of sexual acts. I had also played with and “had” several young girls from the age of six to twenty, which, together with my carnal knowledge with all the animals on my father's farm — cows, sheep, pigs, and more particularly the horses, of which I had two beautiful ponies male and female, of my own — a present from my father who doted on me. I had thus developed a good size cock when I reached the age of fourteen, which at that ripe age I was able to give infinite delight to many of the pretty servants in our employ at and about our house.

I used to plan and scheme all sorts of new pleasures I could indulge myself in, with myself or others. Among the numerous forms I tried, I will content myself by mentioning but a few. I would secure a watermelon, take it to my room, cut a small hole in it to resemble the female organ, then lay on it and insert my cock into the opening made.

The soft and juicy pulp gave a very realistic feeling of being into a young girl's tight belly. When the hole became too large with use, I'd cut another one and so on till the entire melon was all used up, then throw it away.

I then tried a medical battery on myself. This instrument was unlike the usual medical box affairs. It was all complete in itself in a metal tube about ten inches long and one and half inches in diameter. All one had to do was to turn one end and the current was set on, the more you turned it the stronger became the current.

The shape and size had a fair resemblance to a cock. Well, I'd put this to my young cock and smooth balls — I had not grown any hairs there yet, then turn on the juice. It is impossible to tell the exquisite feeling it gave. It is something like when you are in the throes of “spending” only in that case the feeling last but a few seconds, whilst with the electric instrument that very same feeling is kept up all the time for as long as you can stand it, till your mad ejaculation puts an end to the fun for the time being.

There are several attachments that go with the instrument, one of which is a small polished ball at the end of a curved steel rod. This was attached to the instrument and the ball inserted up your bottom. When the instrument was placed to either cock or balls the current rushed through your bottom, cock and balls giving a divine thrill to all those parts, but most particularly when the sensitive head of the cock was touched. This would soon send me into a heavenly “spendings" most profusely, the gism spouting out in powerful jets, my cock throbbing in a violent manner, and my bottom grasping tightly on the ball inserted deeply in it. The cock would become extremely rigid and thick. I attribute the strength and largeness of my cock and balls mainly to this electric treatment I gave it each day almost, and can highly recommend to any man or boy who wishes to have a large and powerful organ of pleasure, for all who are so blessed with a big tool will ever be in great demand by the ladies and especially young girls, who love to have their young bellies well crammed with the emblem of love. I can most sincerely recommend it to me who, from much indulgence or excess have lost much of their youthful vigor, or who cannot get a good stiff “hard on” to try this method and it will both surprise and give you a great joy to see, feel and know you can again experience all the thrills and passionate “spendings” of your most fiery period.