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Книги Philip Katcher

Philip Katcher - автор 5 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861–65, Confederate Artilleryman 1861–65, Confederate Cavalryman 1861–65. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861–65
Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861–65

When the American Civil War broke out in 1861 both Confederate and Union experts decided that specialized sharpshooter units should be formed. These highly trained marksmen served in a front-line role and, due to the technological developments of the 1850s, were equipped with weapons that could guarantee greater accuracy over increased range than traditional muskets. This title examines the recrui...

Confederate Artilleryman 1861–65
Confederate Artilleryman 1861–65

In the heady days of the rush to arms in 1861, comparatively few Southern men volunteered for service in the artillery: most preferred the easily accessible glory of the infantry or cavalry. Yet those that did quickly earned the respect of their fellow soldiers, and a reputation for being able to "pull through deeper mud, ford deeper springs, shoot faster, swear louder ... than any other class of ...

Confederate Cavalryman 1861–65
Confederate Cavalryman 1861–65

The southerner of the mid-19th century had been bred to ride horses. In addition the period southerner had long been used to handling firearms, through hunting for pleasure, food or simply for sport. The combination of these factors promised that when the southern states began to secede in December 1860, the cavalry would be a major combat arm. This title looks at how the men of the Confederate ca...

Union Cavalryman 1861–65
Union Cavalryman 1861–65

The bombardment by Confederate artillery of Fort Sumter on 12 April 1861 was the spark that finally ignited the American Civil War, quickly bringing thousands of eager volunteers for the Union cause. It proved especially easy to raise cavalry, since recruits naively believed that their military duties would be easier than in the infantry. This book investigates all aspects of the life and experien...

Great Gambles of the Civil War
Great Gambles of the Civil War

The Civil War in America from 1861 to 1965 was, from the outset, a gamble - firstly political, then psychological, later diplomatic and, finally, militarily. Once hostilities began, the conflict was littered with cavalier actions, by individual commanders and units of men, which held little guarantee of success. In a masterly account of thirteen dramatic 'throws of the dice', Philip ...