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Автор - Matt Shaw

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Творчество Matt Shaw

На нашем сайте представлены 5 книг автора Matt Shaw. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

A Christmas to Remember
A Christmas to Remember

Despite having taken the children and leaving him - his wife was coming over, with the kids, for Christmas Day. Not because she wanted to but, rather, a vague attempt of keeping things 'normal' for the children. What she doesn't know, though, is that her new boyfriend is there too..... in pieces. Some of him wrapped up, ready for her to open, under the Christmas Tree and another, si...

Sick Bastards
Sick Bastards

A family will do anything to survive after a nuclear attack has left their world in ruins. Actions which even surprise them...

The 8th
The 8th

Moving from school to school is never easy. You're constantly struggling to catch up to the level of the other students. You're forever meeting new friends just to have to leave them and establish new colleagues at the new schools. You always find yourself lost in the never-ending maze of corridors as you battle to get to grips with where everything is... But it's worse when the more unfriendly...

The Infestation
The Infestation

The Fringed Ornamental tarantula has been known to cause a coma to some of the people it has bitten. The Chinese Bird Spider, known for its extreme aggression, has caused at least one infant death and has a venom which kills 50% of the lab mice it was tested on. The Mouse Spider and the Sydney Funnel-Web spider - both tiny - can bring down a full-sized adult if an anti-vemon isn't administered qui...


WARNING: THIS IS AN EXTREME HORROR NOVEL. There is gore. There is bad language. There are scenes of a sexual nature. But hidden underneath it all is also a chilling story. Please do not purchase this book if you are easily shocked, disgusted or offended. This book is not for you. Part of the Black Cover Range. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. Sessions range in price from t...